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Week 3 Countdown

Hello team and families,

Thank you for coming to the parent meeting Wednesday night. Thank you to the group who went to Cushing Friday for science day the robots were a big hit.

If you missed it check out our robotic reveal video either on the FRC Laser RoboticsTeams 2077 Facebook or You Tube account.

We now have 3 weeks until the Milwaukee regional so we are counting down.

The robot is bagged up. We did take parts of it to reassemble onto the prototype to use for drive practice. We will be putting that together this week.

Pit needs to be planned out. Buttons need to be made. Sponsor newsletter needs to be finished. Science Day robots need a tune up. Chairmans presentation needs to be planned out.

Paperwork for Milwaukee and Chicago is due Tuesday with checks for hotel. If you have not received the paperwork plan on stopping in Tuesday night with your insurance card to fill it out.

Hotel Fees

$55.00 for Milwaukee (2 nights)

$188.00 for Chicago (3 nights)

Science day at Dousman March 6th

Science day at Magee March 18

Pit drop off March 18 between 6 and 8pm (four team members)

Milwaukee Regional March 19, 20 and 21

Chicago Regional April 1, 2, 3, 4

Tuesday after school until 8 pm

Thursday 5 to 8 pm.


Mrs. Ahrendt

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