About Us
In programming, we decide how the robot thinks and works. We will learn to write code in Java, and send it to the robot. This is the ultimate opportunity to begin your programming career. After all, there is nothing like programming a 120 lb robot and seeing it work!
Here on build team, we design and construct the physical aspects of the robot. This encompases key elements of the challenge, driving, shooting, framework, stability, and any of the other creative doodads and mechanisms that make our robot unique every year. Along with that we also keep the robot at performance grade condition during testing and competition.

In addition to science and technology skills, one of FIRST's objectives is to spread it's message into the community. The marketing team works to facilitate this goal through comunity outreach, interaction with corporate sponsors, and the education of members in the skills of marketing.
Graphic Design
We create a great website and make the design for the mascot and logo. This department puts together the decor' of the pit, parade floats and trifolds used at public demos. We put in a lot of effort into making the logo, mascot, brochures, and the banners so that it looks amazing.
Photography, video and animation help the team document our activites. FIRST has a safety animation video contest each year. During build season videos of the engineer process are up loaded to You Tube. This department works with marketing and design which uses the photos for sponsor update letters, brochures, website and posters.